- Eyes closed.
- Breathe slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
- Put your hands in your lap, palms up; back straight, legs crossed.
- Imagine a golden string curled up at the bottom of your back.
- Let that string slowly uncurl and start moving up through your body.
- The string is moving through your tummy.
- Now it’s moving through your heart and chest.
- Now it’s moving up through your neck.
- Now through your head.
- Now it’s coming out of the top of your head.
- It’s going up into the sky.
- Follow it up as it reaches the clouds.
- Feel all quiet and cool inside, surrounded by fluffy clouds.
- Raise your hands towards the sky, wiggle your fingers a little bit and see if you can feel the cool clouds moving around your hands and fingers.
The Golden StringGuy2013-01-09T11:56:04+11:00